- 1Find a well lighted, flat surface for hand writing, like the kitchen
table. Make sure there is plenty of space to work.
- 2Place paper in front of child with the bottom corner pointing towards their belly button and the top corner pointing away from them. This may feel a little awkward at first, but will help with proper handwriting slant.
- 3Position the non-writing hand at the top of the paper. This will hold the paper in place. Elbows should be out and gently resting on the table.
- 4Sit up straight. Good posture should always be practiced during handwriting.
- 5Grasp pencil in the writing hand. A good grasp goes no lower than the paint
on the pencil, about one inch from the tip. The index finger should be on top, the thumb below. Rest the pencil on the third finger.
- 6Warm up handwriting practice by making a series of swirls, like cursive lower case "e's" in groups of six across the first two lines.
- 7Practice letters in groups of five or six to give the feel of writing words. Leave plenty of space between letters and between groups. When practicing printing, remember that letters start from the top down, not from the bottom up.
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Read more: How to Improve a Child's Handwriting |
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